Since its earliest days the work of the Faith Mission has been sustained by God’s gracious, timely and bountiful provision, made possible by the faithful support of His people. As a faith organisation it has always been our policy to make our financial needs known to God alone through prayer. We do not announce our financial needs, make appeals for finance or organise fund raising events. We are so grateful to the Lord for the way in which He continues to meet all our needs through the sacrificial and unsolicited giving of His people.
We are often asked ‘how can I donate to The Faith Mission?’ For this reason we have felt it appropriate to include the following information on the various ways by which gifts can be given.
By Cheque
You can make one-off gifts or regular payments to us by cheque. Please make cheques payable to The Faith Mission and enclose a note stating how you would like your gift to be used (ie. General Fund or support of the work in a particular area). Don’t forget to include your name and address. If applicable, please request a Gift Aid Declaration Form or download the form by clicking the link.
By Standing Order
If you wish to make regular gifts – monthly, quarterly or annually – you can do so by setting up a standing order with your bank. Please use this link to download a Standing Order form. Fill in the details and send to The Faith Mission local or General Headquarters office. We will then forward it to your bank. It will have a unique reference which will enable us to identify your gifts on our bank statements.
By Card
You can make a one-off donation online by debit card, credit card or through the PayPal link. It is possible to Gift Aid your donation by checking the “Gift Aid it” box.
Alternatively, if you prefer you can donate by phone: Please call The Faith Mission Office on 0131 664 5814 with your card details. We do not retain your card details.
By Charity Voucher
If you have an account with Charities Aid Foundation (CAF), Sovereign Giving, Stewardship Services or other similar organisations, you can donate to us through your account by voucher or standing instruction. Please arrange for the payments to be made to “The Faith Mission” with a comment stating how you would like your gift to be used (eg. General Fund, or support of the work in a particular area).
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer you may wish to give increase the value of your gift by the means of Gift Aid. This currently increases the value of your donations by 25% – at no extra cost to yourself. You can download a Gift Aid Form by clicking on the link. Then please complete it and post it to our General Headquarters Office.
Over the years, the Lord has graciously provided for the work of The Faith Mission through the generous gifts of those who have remembered us in their wills. If you would like to know more about how to do this please contact our General Headquarters Office.
The Faith Mission
548 Gilmerton Road
Gilmerton, Edinburgh
EH17 7JD
Tel: 0131 6645814