What is the weekend?

The weekend is really a condensed version of all the fun and action that goes into our summer camps. So if you came along to our summer camps, here is a chance for you to get a little top-up, but if not, then all the more reason to join us and enjoy the banter!

Things will kick off on Friday with the chance to catch up with friends followed by an evening of games and hilarity. Saturday will be a full-on day with plenty to keep you busy and of course, we will head off somewhere for an activity of some sort. On Sunday things will be a bit more relaxed, but there will still be plenty of food, chat, and games, and then before you know it, the weekend will be over!

But at the heart of all that goes on is the Christian message. Throughout the weekend we will delve deeper into God’s word uncovering its’ relevance for us today, and hear real-life stories from some of the leaders. Our desire is that you might leave feeling renewed!


The weekend will be held in Inverness at the Kingsview Christian Centre

Kingsview Christian Centre- Google maps


£50 per person


Young people will be able to arrive on Friday evening 5.30pm onwards and we will finish at 3.30pm on Sunday afternoon.

We are happy to pick people up at the bus/train station if this helps with transport, and please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need further help.

If you require any further information please contact:
Jeff and Sarah Townend